Parent Information

Help Your Child Learn the ABC's

Here are some resources to assist you at home as you work with your child on letters/letter sounds. 

Learning With Movement

Learn letters without holding a pencil

  • Find out what letters your child knows. Start with the capital letters. Lay alphabet cards/magnets out in order and ask your child to name and touch each one. Then mix up the letters and see which ones your child can name. Make piles of the ones they know and the ones they don’t know. Repeat this with the lowercase letters.
  • Concentration or Memory - Use the letter cards to play. Select four to eight letters (some your child knows and some they don’t) with both the capital and lowercase forms. Scramble them face down. Take turns trying to make a match as two cards are turned over. If they match, keep them. If not, turn them back over in the same place before the next player goes.
  • Lay out all the letters face up and call out letters for your child to find. You might focus on four or five letters that your child does not know. Name the letter and ask your child to find it. Give clues like “Find the C. C is like a circle, but it has an open mouth.” This can also be done with letter sounds “Find the letter that makes the sound /s/ (like snake)”
  • Letter Hunt- Send your child on a letter hunt with ‘letter check off’ sheets. As they find each letter, they just check it off or print it. You can have them hunt around the house, in a magazine or newspaper.
  • Letter Race - Place letter cards or magnets on one side of the room. Explain to your child that you will call out a letter or sound and he should run and find the letter. Then, pick up the letter and place it on the magnet board or in a bucket.
  • Out and About- Ask your child to look for a particular letter on road signs or in the grocery store. ​
  • Muffin Tin Game- Cut the index cards into squares small enough to fit inside the muffin tin. Write letters on the cut index cards. Put one piece into each section of the muffin tin. Have your child stand back and try to throw a coin or small ball into the tin. If it lands in the tin, your child needs to tell you the letter name/sound. If they say the correct letter or word, they get a point. You can continue play until someone earns a determined amount of points.
  • Play “I spy”. Instead of looking at colours let’s focus on initial sounds. For example: “I spy with my little eye something that starts with the sound /t/”. A table! Have fun guessing the words your family is thinking of. 

The following links have some great ideas and free resources:

Alphabet Tracing Book

Alphabet Action Cards